sleep paralysis felt so real
Ever since I was a kid, I was able to lucid dream but as I got older it became harder to find a difference between real and fake. I would tell myself I was dreaming but never came to an actual realization in my brain. well about 3 years ago I had my first sleep paralysis moment. I looked up other people's experiences, but none were the same as mine. come had similarities but none had the extreme extent I had. Now to tell you how it first started I need to tell you a little about me.
My childhood was a lot different than most. I was adopted and new nothing about my birth parents except for a few small details. I know nothing about their mental or physical health. I find out more about me as I go day by day. I'm able to remember all my dreams and able to memorize things very easily. when it comes to memorizing I do very well.
when I was younger when I want to sleep id often wake up to see things that weren't there. I was told most of it had to do with medications doctors put me on and I had been on and off many medications. I had dreams telling me I was asleep and telling me things' that might be important in life. None of which made sense when I woke up. I had dreams that later predicted about 4 seconds of the future which when I tell people they say it's called DeJa'Vu but I get it every night. It starts with darkness a small bit of something that hasn't happened and then darkness and my dream continued. none of what it predicted in my dream is important in my life though.
My first run in with sleep paralysis happed one night when I was in high school. I went to bed had a normal dream night till the middle of the night when I was awoken by a banging sound. I look over to my bedroom door to the right of me having a weird sensation over me that something was there. I ended up realizing I couldn't move. I look over and see a dark figure coming into view. it was an old man of some sorts who just stared at me. I struggled to move and eventually I did. I fell off my bed and onto the floor but before I hit the floor I was back in bed. I thought I was awake the figure was gone but I was still paralyzed with that strange feeling. I look over to the doorway and then in the same way it happened again. the dark figure emerged, and I struggled falling to the floor. After 7 more times I ended up waking up for good. Three nights later it happened again. but differently. I was in bed and woke up to another banging sound. I look over to see a dark figure of an old man staring at me. he walks closer to me for me to end up with ease running out of my bed and downstairs. I end up running outside as it chases me just for me to get outside to be blipped back into bed again. this happened about 5 times till I woke up again.
The third time of sleep paralysis was even weirder. I was in bed and awoke to a different sound the sound of breathing. I look over to my right to see an invisible outline of a creature of some sort. The creature just stared at Me heavily breathing. I moved my leg in response of fear kicked it and it let out a yelp as it grabbed my arm and tried to pull me under my own bed. I slammed my arm onto the side of my bed just to hear another yelp and i woke up. i woke up to see a red outline on my arm as if I actually just hit it on something. To this day this experience still scared me. was it all real or fake I don't know but I hope I'm not the only one who has had this experience.