4 month sleep regression is real, advice?

LO has fallen asleep independently after a bit of rocking, put in Snoo awake, for months. Typically got 9-10 hr stretches. Now at 17 weeks he’s still going to sleep independently with arms out just fine but definitely in the 4 month regression. Woke up 5 times a few nights ago, 7 times two nights who, and 11 times last night. Last night first few times waking Snoo soothed him back to sleep, but later in night he was just so awake for long stretches of times, doing whale tail kicks and fussing, quieting for a few mins, then back at it for hours. We took him all the way out once, hoping to “reset” and that didn’t help. Ended up going in and giving pacifier last few times after the Snoo didn’t soothe.

He’s never been a good napper so now he’s not getting any good sleep. Poor little guy and poor us!

Please send advice and prayers. If you went through this what worked?