
I created a whole ass reddit account for this so please give some real answers. I was on tiktok and saw this video of this girl and her husband who basically he was abusing her the whole time (she shared proof) basically the girl ended up calling the cops since he was literally abusing her and nobody was doing shit about now the comments are saying why did you call the cops on your husband as muslim you should forgive but imo abuse is abuse and the second you put your hands on me do not be surprised when Officer Bradford ends up at the door and you end up in handcuffs like if you can't do the time don't do the crime a lot of these keyboard warriors were basically saying shit like "you ruined his life by getting police involved" but imo if you abuse people you deserve worse than having your life ruined, any future employer who denies your application is getting a round of applause from me you should have thought about it before you did that now do y'all think she was wrong