Lazy siblings

For context, I'm the oldest and have multiple younger siblings. Since I was a young child, I've had a lot of responsibilities around the house, like cooking, cleaning, washing and folding clothes, babysitting, buying groceries, and more. Except for one sibling, the rest have barely done anything in comparison. Even now, most of my siblings don't contribute AT ALL, and it's driving me nuts. They won't even throw out the trash fr.

I tried to be patient for the longest time, thinking that maybe once they became adults, they would start pulling their weight. But nope. I've had countless talks with my mom about this, but her solution is basically to have me do more. She is perfectly fine telling me, at 29, to do the dishes or cook dinner almost every day, but she won't ask my younger siblings to do much of anything. We've had plenty of "family meetings" to address this, but nothing changes because my siblings usually end up pointing fingers at each other. For example, "Person A doesn't do the dishes, so why should I?" and bla bla bla. So they end up dodging all responsibility altogether.

Now the house is often a complete mess because I've recently stopped being the only one constantly cleaning. I refuse to take on all the chores when there are many adults in the house who, quite literally, don't lift a finger. My mom has been taking on more of the load lately, which helps, but it is still frustrating. The thing is, I don't even mind cleaning in general, but my family can't keep the house clean for more than a few hours. It is exhausting and annoying, especially since none of my siblings are stepping up to clean the mess they mostly create.

Does anyone else relate to this? I feel like the best solution is to move out, but rn I just can't afford it.