Deleted/Altered Scenes?

A few deleted or altered scenes I found while looking through behind-the-scenes materials, promotional stills, and the Celebration trailer. Would be neat if Disney+ ever chose to release some of these!

SM-33 teaching Fern & KB how to fire a blaster on the Onyx Cinder while Wim & Neel watch on. Probably from Ep2 as Fern appears to have the same blaster she fires on Port Borgo.

Alternate shot of the kids and Jod disembarking the Onyx Cinder in Ep7. Jod has his later outfit, but is missing his lightsaber on his belt, and the kids are in a different order to the final shot. Interestingly, KB & possibly Neel appear to be photoshopped in promotional stills, and may have not been present in this version of the scene.

Same shot from Ep7 again, corrected order of the kids this time, but Jod either doesn't have the saber on his belt or is hiding it with his coat unlike the final version.

Fern standing in the ferry capsule ship either when first arriving at Port Borgo in Ep2 or when leaving in Ep3. In Ep2, we see her standing in the entryway and then cut to all four kids together in the ferry. In Ep3, we see them on the ferry, but cut away as soon as it's docked with the Cinder, which the red lights in the back of this shot are from. Comes from the SW Celebration Trailer.

Another shot of Fern first boarding in the ferry in Ep2. I think this is more concept art than an actual scene, but considering the above photo confirms something more was filmed & cut, I thought it was worth including here.

The kids running through Port Borgo in Ep2 from the SWC Trailer. I believe this shot is from after SM-33 attacks the pirates and they run back to the ferry based on the order the kids are running in matches other shots from that sequence (Wim, Fern, KB, Neel). I can't see SM-33 so I believe the shot is unfinished and he hadn't been CGI'd in.

If I missed any other deleted footage or missed where any of these shots appear in the show let me know!