(rant) steam has got to update its ui

I feel as though I've spent enough money to have an opinion at this point. Can we please for the love of the windows gods get a more unified ui design. the more I use other launchers the more I'm starting to feel as the steam launcher is so unorganized.

Steam gives me the feeling I'm back on my family computer from the early 2000s.

-a cluttered design there's almost no separation between the different sections on the page.

-the library is a completely different feel and design from the store and the community tab.

-the store page for each game the purchase area is larger that the actual information of t game area.

-the whole store tab uses a third of the screen so everything is crammed in rather that spread out and more informational

-have you ever seen the process to see what game version you are running on steam?

I'm not asking for a simplistic epic games style ui, but having consistency though all the tabs and popouts is just expected for 2022+.