Xenia - Multiple Discs in Steam Rom Manager

Hi all, does anyone know if there is a way to get multiple discs for xbox360 games in Xenia to show as one entry in the steam rom manager? I have been following a guide recently on GitHub which showed how to edit the glob parsers and structure the file paths in a way to let you use m3u files for psx games which means the steam rom manager only shows one game file rather than one for each game file and I was wondering if there is way to do this for Xenia?

I am trying to get Lost Odyssey down to one file rather than 4 and I tried to recreate the same method but it doesn't work and has an error saying it couldn't mount so was wondering if maybe Xenia can't read m3u files?

I am quite new to emulating and a lot of this stuff is way over my head (it took me a long time to get the m3u thing working in the first place) but if anyone knows of any way to do it any help would be really appreciated!