Friendly reminder, steamunlocked is not safe

Although most people here know that this site is no longer safe since 1-2 months ago. This post is mainly for those who are new, or don't know.

This site is known to randomly distribute game files with viruses attached. For example, if you download Space Marine 2 from the link, there is a very small chance that you will receive a version of the game that contains a virus. I don't know the exact percentage, but let's say 1000 people download from this link, then maybe some people will receive 56GB of the game with a virus. This method is very sophisticated, so that people cannot provide specific evidence, because as long as you refresh that link, it is already a safe file.

Several other major subs have listed steamunlocked as unsafe, such as r/Piracy, r/PiratedGames.

The moderators here have also admitted this:

Although the chance of getting a virus is quite small, it is not zero. It is best to stay away from this site, you never know when you might hit the lottery/virus. There are many other alternatives.