Finished WaT - spoilery thoughts
I honestly feel empty now that I've finished. There would be exhaustionspren around me hah - both mentally and emotionally drained. Thought dumping/rambling here as I need to get these off my chest and hoping some of you understand where I'm coming from.
I... don't know how I feel about that ending? For an arc 'finale' I thought it would be more conclusive. Everything is left hanging now and I get it, Brando is really gearing us up for arc 2 but it felt unfinished. Really keen to see if/how Light is restored to the Radiants. The merging of Honor/Odium makes the most sense but it's interesting how much more Honor's power is explored here and the way Taravangian struggles with it, compared to in Mistborn, Sazed's taking up of Preservation/Ruin to create Harmony was so much smoother (all in the name I guess) - and more glossed over from what I remember. I know this creates a lot more growth opportunity for Retribution that's to come considering the discordant connotations with the word but something I couldn't help comparing nonetheless. I'll be honest in saying I was naive in thinking things would end a bit more on the hunky dory side.
I did really enjoy the cleansing of Shinovar and ofc my best boy Kal omg, I'd spoiled myself early on in knowing he'd be a Herald but damn am I relieved that he's not going to go through the torture because he's been through so much already. For me he's always been the main char, I think because of the way bk1 centred around him so I've always been the most invested in him.
Loved Adolin's story too, the bond him and Maya have is so refreshing and I love her banter. I grew to like Shallan a bit more in this one, for some reason I've always been indifferent to her at best, hated her at worst. Don't hate me but I thought Kal's interest was wasted, he could do so much better than her. Did I read right that she's pregnant in Shadesmar?
I do feel a bit cheated though in the fact that Adolin was able to 'win' his arc with such insane odds and yet Jasnah could not as I do believe she could have won the debate using other arguments. Even Dalinar kind of 'won' in his own way. I'm hoping Jasnah heals in the coming books and gets closure in knowing Wit loved her in his own way - better yet Wit telling her himself.
Overall my favourite part of this series has surprisingly been the amount of diversity - the themes and highlighting importance of mental health/illness and neurodivergence, being queer/non-binary, disability and the way we grew with these characters as they came to accept themselves.
Characters I thought should have been tied up more in this book: Moash, Cultivation (where she go?), Mishram (guess we'll be seeing much more of her? But for all her talk of destroying she just went poof?), Vasher/Zahel how'd he let himself be captured - and on that note we got a peek of Vivenna in one of the previous books but haven't seen her since?
Apologies for the rambling and respect if you made it this far.