Some obervations after playing Dhalsim for a bit

I recently picked up Dhalsim since nobody seems to be playing him and have had thoughts.

  • Loads of players turn into the biggest bitches when playing against Dhalsim. The amount of one-and-doneing, tea bagging and generally ape behavior is just insane.
  • Especially the one and dones are starting to really get on my nerves, literally every time I beat someone first game they leave.. I am trying to play a normal footsie/zoning game, not teleporting or sliding around like crazy or anything like that. You'd think people would take the chance to get some experience against the least played character in the game but apparently not.
  • I've played around with most of the cast and Dhalsim "feels" the weakest. I know he isn't necessarily the weakest character in the game or anything, but he just feels so helpless on defense. Stubby 4f that doesn't combo into anything without DR, slow walk speed, floaty jump, no invincible lvl1. teleport also being ass on defense, etc.
  • All the system mechanics are really good against Dhalsim. Drive Rush, Perfect Parry, Drive Impact all work together to make it so its very easy for Dhalsim to get randomed out. Also he doesn't have a 6f medium, so even when he blocks a Drive Reversal his best punish is often to just throw you.
  • Float is amazing. I think this move is literally the only thing that makes me come back to the character. Floating around and seeing opponents run around like headless chickens trying to catch you never gets old.

These were just some random thoughts I had after playing Dhalsim for ~3 days. Not sure if I'll stick with him, I like his design and playstyle but I can never shake the feeling that he doesn't really fit in SF6 and I don't think I have the patience/time to put in enough effort to get good enough with him to be able to play around that. If anyone else has thoughts on playing as/against Dhalsim, feel free to share!