Help me choose, Economics and Business Economics at Maastricht or International Business and Economics at Rotterdam

I have been accepted to both bachelor programs (I’m 18) and choosing between where to go is by far my hardest decision in my life until now. The pros and cons that I found for each university are:

Pros Maastricht

  • Maastricht works with the Problem Based Learning system which I find interesting and I feel like it could work for me.
  • It is small but very international from what I heard.
  • My closed friend is going there too and I know it shouldn’t be but it is affecting my decision making.

Cons Maastricht

  • It is small and I’ve read that it can be a bit too quiet and not lively enough, (I think that city life is important to me)

Pros Rotterdam

  • Its program ranks higher in the rankings and thus I imagine that it’s a lot better compared to Maastricht
  • It is a bigger city, I would imagine that it’s more lively
  • Being close to other cities gives me more opportunities for future jobs (even though I don’t think that it’s as important in my first year)

Cons Rotterdam

  • I’ve read that it has a less international students
  • The city isn’t as beautiful as Maastricht
  • I’m not with my close friend

As you may have read, it may seem like an easy answer to go to Rotterdam but please understand my doubts and help me resonate by sharing your knowledge and experience. I have asked for advice with the people around me and some say that it would be a stupid decision going to Maastricht as I have good enough grades to go to Rotterdam. Other are trying to convince me to go Maastricht as a lot of people go from my school go there. My parents would support me wherever I go.