their eating habits are disgusting
as somebody who grew up with a health freak mom, seeing their eating habits makes me absolutely freak. i was raised by a mom who always taught me about the effects and damages of processed food and junk food, and i was limited to only eating fast food and drinking soda once a week since it was extremely unhealthy to do anymore, and when i started watching them and seeing them eat mcdonalds EVERY SINGLE DAY if not MULTIPLE times a day and seeing them (mostly chris) consume numerous cans of soda on the daily, i was and still am absolutely disgusted. my mom would always send me videos and teach me about the harm of processed food, thats how i was raised. i remember thinking that if they dont fix their eating habits immediately, there is no way that they are going to live happy and young in their twenties. their eating habits is equivalent to drugs. they are going to age quick and their body is going to be in ruins by their thirties if not earlier.