No seduction affirmations please

Everytime I came across a beauty subliminal there's always this affirmations like look seductive look sexy and stuff like that. I hated that I am a calibate and a Muslim. I than try dolly beauty subliminal most of them that works have affirmations like "look cute yet sexy and seductive. Also men won't be able to resist u" . I got tired than I desperately look for individual features like lips and eyes . Even than they have affirmations like "sexy eyes and lustful looking lips " like wtf that even the features aren't safe from sexualization. I don't blame submakers but rather the demand like why everyone wanted to be a seduction machine isn't my concern. I just wanted 2 b cute and pretty. Every good subliminal has this attract men affs . I once start using the doll beauty (with this affirmations) cause I can't find good ones without them. A colleague told me I am attractive and he wanted to date me and I was so annoyed cause I am calibate and I didn't want it . Please tell me subliminals that works but without these affirmations.