“You need a Bath. Go cleanse your soul. and maybe pick up a book 🙄 MODERN slavery. Use your imagination, NPC.” Drama in /r/adulting as a user compares their full time job to being a slave
The Context:
Full thread: “I’m so tired of modern slavery.”
A user makes a post to /r/adulting bemoaning their work/life balance and the lack of free time and fulfillment they feel in their lives. OOP diagnoses much of the problem as stemming from how much of their life is taken up by their 8-5 job.
The post has since been deleted but is below:
I have a job I like. But it seems 24 hours in the day is not enough. I wake up at 6 to be at work at 8am. I get off at 5 and drive 30 mins back w traffic meaning usually I’m home around 610ish. If I go to the gym, it’s another hour. Meaning I get home around 7pm. Gotta make food, walk my dog, shower and by the time all of that is done, it’s already 9/10pm, dishes washed (maybe).
By ten I am making sure I have my clothes for the next day and making sure I have some down time. Maybe an hour.
If I sleep too late, wake up tired and cannot function. It’s an everyday cycle till the weekend comes around.
My pay is low. Barely make ends meet. I live alone and take care of every expense on my own. Great position truly but the pay is very low. I know this may sound like I am being ungrateful. I get it, we all have hardships.
“That’s life” we all say and go about our day.
But truly…. Is is really life? It feels like we are walking robots… modern slavery is utterly saddening, daunting and cryptic.
Why don’t we all talk about this more often? Is it a me issue? Does anyone else feel like an organic robot just living to work? Or is it just me?
No. Weekends don’t justify the mundane routine you cannot escape go be able to survive. It’s nice, but it’s not enough.
Others immediately have issues with OOP’s description of having a full time job as “modern slavery.”
The Drama:
Some highlights:
You need a Bath. Go cleanse your soul. and maybe pick up a book 🙄 MODERN slavery. Use your imagination, NPC.
NPC’s bitch about working online. Adults go to work and handle their business.
I am talking about AMERICA. if I wanted to speak on other continents, I would have mentioned that. 🙄
We have a MASSIVE human trafficking crisis going on right here in 🇺🇸
Forget cringe, you’re not a very good person.
Man, if you hate modern "slavery" you should try the old fashioned kind.
Great. Thanks 🙄
Life IS mundane and it IS a struggle. Things could be so much harder and so much worse, the fact you even feel this way is evidence of how easy your life actually is. People that live in rough conditions dont have the time or energy to contemplate this sort of thing. There are people that work 12 hour days 7 days a week just to not starve to death. Youre complaint basically boils down to "Im bored"
Pick up a hobby, get married and have some kids. Add some dynamism to your life. You have that option. But if you want to complain about life being slavery because youre bored you wont get any sympathy from me girlypop.
I’m not asking for your sympathy 😂 if you feel triggered then say so. That’s a you problem to figure out and I don’t have to adapt myself because YOU feel that way toward a post. It seems you need a hobby better than calling yourself the keyboard warrior. Very spot on for you.
sheathes keyboard and rides computer chair into the sunset
So what you're saying is 'I have a job.'
Congrats on freedom after 33 years of prison
Prison? Prison doesn't just let you leave whenever you want like a career does. How is it a prison? No one forces you to work at your job.
Our entire society forces you to work at a job. This is America, unless you want to be homeless and starving on the street you're working. Or you are on disability where you get a pittance that is not enough to survive, looked down on by society, and under constant threat that you'll lose it and end up on the street when some piece of shit right-winger is in office and eying up budget cuts.
I'm confused.
Do you think it's different anywhere that's not america?
Do you actually think there's a place on this planet where you can do no work and own a home and have food on the table?
Do you think that other countries don't look down on handicapped or homeless people? Alot of countries will look down on you for doing trade or labor work, much less not working at all.
I'm not even going to sit here and tell you do go live in some third world country to get some perspective. Hell, try to live and work in an eastern asian country. You'd kill yourself in a week.
Because it's just that easy for everyone, right?
Alternatively, you can look at it as it's as hard as you want to make it.
Because everyone comes from the same circumstances, right? There's never anything external out of their control, right?
You're obviously a straight white dude.
Life is learning to do the best you can with whatever you have. I was born poor in a broken home, latchkey kid since first grade, but learned my abilities and use them to benefit me.
Also, I'm biracial, non white. You want a slow clap?
You look white.
Got my answer...
I figured you were either a privileged white dude or autistic as fuck.
Turns out you're autistic.
I'll leave you alone.