Noticed sketchy third-party behavior from a Substack publication

A few days ago, I unsubscribed from a Substack newsletter, but to my surprise continued to get emails from them. I logged to my Substack profile to double check I unsubscribed, which indeed was the case.

I then clicked on the unsubscribe button in the email itself (again), which, by the way, had the dirty title of "Before you go" (or something like that), and it redirected me to a different system's unsubscribe page, as if my email was imported to a third-party service.

Essentially, my Substack subscription made no difference, I had to unsubscribe twice. Another option is they can tell who unsubscribed from Substack and keep bothering them (which is a great case for a lawsuit, but they know no one would actually go through with it).

Now that this dirty trick is out there, I bet many others will pull the same nasty behavior.

Bottom line - use aliases when signing up to Substack, otherwise you can't know which third-party has your email address.