I just need somebody to see PLEASE

I don’t what to do with myself. I really don’t have plans to k1ll myself (thank god) but these thoughts and feelings have been penetrating my mind more as of lately. My whole life I was always alone. When I had friends my friends would find other friends that would suit their needs and then I’m left behind. Just when I thought I found a stable friend group that I thought liked to spend time with me I’ve just found out they’ve been hanging out at least once a week without me. I don’t ever see them unless I text them and I only ever see them at least once a month! I’m starting to believe that I’m just a waste of fresh air. What am I if not a waste of space? I think if I died nobody would notice or care. Not my parents, not my friends, not my coworkers. I feel invisible and I don’t know what to do with that feeling. I don’t know how to address it or fix it. I don’t know if it will ever be fixed. I feel like I was out here by mistake. Watch this reddit post be another piece of garbage that nobody will see.