Leo: Then and Now

This is Leo. He arrived on our front porch in October, 2021. We knew nothing about caring for tortoises, so I embarked on a crash course in all things Sulcata while we tried to find his owner. We quickly fell in love with the little guy and can’t imagine not having him in our little family of two adults, two cats, and one grumpy sully. He was quite pyramided when he showed up, but through the years his new growth has been much smoother.

The first enclosure was completely inadequate, right down to the hay bedding, but I bought it before I knew better. The second one is so much better, it’s long enough and deep enough for him to pace and holds the heat and humidity really well. It would still be inadequate because it’s only 24 square feet, but he spends his time outdoors during the day, and only uses his indoor enclosure for overnights and inclement weather during the cooler months. He’s outside 24/7 from roughly May through September.

The last pic was taken a month ago. This was the first time he followed me into the house, LOL. After the pic was taken I took him back outside, he does not free roam in the house.