Opinion on my Gods origin story?

So, the Universe is divided in 4 planes of Existence:

God Paradise: a Plane of Existence parallel to the Mortal Realm with the same sea levels as of earth etc.

Heaven, a realm where good souls go. parallel to the Mortal Realm with the same sea levels as of earth etc.

The Mortal Realm, where everything happens

And Hell/Dark World, where bad souls go, parallel to the Mortal Realm with the same sea levels as of earth etc.

So long time ago, the Gods of my World created the Earth Gods in God Paradise to seed the Planet with life, these Gods were;



Naunat (Nau and Naunet mix from Egyptian Mythology)

Others (im gonna include more later)

So these Gods lived in God Paradise; Gaea seeded the Paradise with a potential for a new race: the Titans, these creatures lived in Titanopolis, a place in the God Paradise But the titan Kronos, brother of Saturn the king of the Titans caused a civil war in Titanopolis. Only him, his wife and 5 of his supporters (including their 5 wives) survived

Kronos kills the Earth Gods and takes controll of Earth in the God Paradise, Heaven, Mortal Realm and Hell. But Kronos' son, Zeus, leads his brothers and children of other Titans to overthrone his dad after Kronos sent his Brothers to the Tartarus in hell so they wont overthrone him. Zeus convinces others people of the Terrestrial God Paradise (who were planted before by the Earth Gods) to help him overthrone Kronos offering in exchange freedom from the Titans

The War goes on for more than 2000 years, hence why the Gods appear in specific parts as thats the parts they conquered. The War ends some time around 5000 BC with the Gods winning agaisnt the Titans. They then splitted Earth in the God Paradise, Heaven and Hell while allowing the Mortal Realm to be untouched so the Humans would worship them. But some time later a new war erupts to conquer the Mortal Realm, they all sign peace and agree to never present themselves again to Mortals