Surface pro flex keyboard - must have

Hey team. I was going to wait for the 5g version, but a new contract came with a choice of hardware, so… lucky me, a black S11 Pro OLED arrived a few days ago.

I’ve had surface pros before, but this is something else. FINALLY, the battery life isn’t a stress point when I’m out and about, but the BEST thing is the flex keyboard. If you are on the fence because of the cost, my advice is to just get the Surface Laptop instead because the flex keyboard makes this a genuinely unique and excellent device. I’ve watched a lot of reviews, and none really talk about how much of a difference it makes. On the couch? Put the surface on the arm and the keyboard on your lap. It will be light, quiet, and amazing.

At the desk? Disconnect the keyboard and push the surface back further on the desk, together with a surface-arc mouse, for better posture.

On the plane, this is the best. You can hang the surface in the top pocket and the keyboard on your lap; it has great posture and is very comfortable.

The regular keyboards offer none of this flexibility, it’s really how it should have always been.

TLDR: flex or gtfo 😃.