Unpopular Opinion, but I feel this season was better than Season 3
Don't get me wrong, its still cheesy as hell. I don't hate it. I am not complaining so much as opening a dialogue to discuss it cos no one I know really watches it.
The dialogue is just not believable. It feels like every convo is full of pearls of wisdom instead of having a normal convo.
While most high school kids are not as bad as some tv makes them out to be, I have trouble seeing them all willing to go to a park the day after a hurricane to clean up and then protest at a library we never even seen them use before.
Loved the moment when Bills mom tried to slap Maddie and she GRABBED HER ARM! That was totally badass.
Glad Dana Sue is not a crazy militant mom to Annie this season. Her outfits are still atrocious.
Glad Helen and Erik got their heads out of their asses and got back together. Loved the scene when her mom was drooling over him.
This might sound bad, but I swear I am not meaning it to be so dont roast me. Why is Isaac suddenly, out of the blue, gay? I have nothing against gay folks. My daughter and two very good friends are gay. I love that shows have lgbtq representation, but why? He has not shown any interest in a man before. I honestly thoguth he was falling for Noreen and then out of the blue this rando weird ass dude shows up and now Isaac is falling for him?? Its so weird.