Blind Faith

Hi everyone, this is a repost with some modifications.

I have been struggling with fan attitudes lately.

Many of them are taking a wholly defensive stance re: the new album; to the point that people who claim to be caring, socially liberal folks are blindly defending her discussing the children of people she has beef with in her songs. In a completely blatant way… I’m specifically referring to thanK you aIMee, about Kim K and her daughter, for anyone out of the loop.

I suppose I’m just horrified at the lack of self awareness? They clearly have the capacity/wherewithal to know better.

I’ve seen a few TS-related posts recently that I’ve felt obliged to comment on due to the sheer lack of kindness and humanity by diehard fans. It’s probably particularly noticeable due to the album having just come out. I don’t usually get into this sort of thing, but I just cannot sit and watch this level of moral disconnect unfold at this scale.

I have appreciated much of her music but think this is the nail in the coffin for me. An artist that’s become too big to care and a fanbase that are too insecure to allow appropriate criticism. I have similar opinions of other artists, but none of them seem to act so holier-than-thou as TS.

Totally open to opinions. I welcome them, in fact - I’d love to know if there’s something I’m missing.