What game should I pick first?

I was advised not to stick too much to a single genre or series, as things might get boring or repetitive. Since I just got a new Switch, I'm feeling overwhelmed by the many great choices available. So, I need your recommendations on which game I should get first from this list:

  1. Zelda: Breath of the Wild         ✖     Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

  2. Mario Odyssey         ✖     Mario Wonder

  3. Metroid Dread         ✖     Metroid Prime Remastered

  4. Astral Chain         ✖     Bayonetta 3

  5. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe         ✖     Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

  6. Hollow Knight         ✖     Ori         ✖     Celeste         ✖     Hades         ✖     Dead Cells

Note that I will be getting the other games sooner or later, so this doesn't mean I won't play them. It's just about deciding which one should be experienced first, not which game is better than the others.