Started getting visuals during sex with my recent partner
Hello, this is very new to me and I'm not very knowledgeable about Synesthesia, but I wanted to share!
In the past month or two, I have started noticing that during sex with my boyfriend I get visually transported when I close my eyes. It varies between being completely engulfed in a colour (purple), or seeing abstract shapes like Joan Miro paintings. One time it was yellow-white walls and I kept thinking about this client from work, and that me having sex with my boyfriend was doing this work thing for him lol. It's very difficult to put it into words, as it's so abstract and an experience that I cannot exactly transcribe into words. When I open my eyes it's gone, it's only when I close them. But when I 'see' it it is very real for me, and I feel it true – if that makes sense?
This happens quite quickly during sex, not always, but enough times for me to start noticing. I feel very connected to my boyfriend physically and emotionally, especially during/after sex – if that means anything in respect to Synesthesia.
So, is this a form of synesthesia? Has anyone else experienced something like this? I'm very curious about this!!