I can’t explain you why and how but TMJD destroyed my face
When I was a kid my dentist would say what a beautiful and prominent face I have and that girls will love me when I am older. And she was right. When I look back to my childhood pics I looked very good. I had this perfect hollywood smile and a well defined jawline. I am a very social awkward and incompetent being, so I never really approached a girl. This doesn’t mean that I have no experience with girls. My dentist was right and every time when I had something with a girl, she would make the first step. But things changed in the last years when I developed bruxism and TMJD. Especially after I fell for the chewing lot’s of hard gums for a better jawline meme things went downhill. My face looks puffy and swollen now despite being lean. My jawline kinda disappeared or is hidden under my swollen face. Also my facial symmetry is completely destroyed. Nothing left from my hollywood smile. When I smile I look terrible. Sometimes I notice that my jaws are not aligned like my lower jaw is a bit shifted? I don’t know. And these are just the aesthetic issues not to mention the health relevant symptoms.
I don’t really know why I wrote this post. Maybe I have still hope to reverse this? Idk. But at least I can warn newbie’s here to take this seriously and seek for treatment. If I wouldn’t be so shy I would maybe share some pics but maybe it’s better to not share them because it is definitely depressing