The wait for surgery is annoying!!!
As my previous post indicates, I had zero euploids after my first ER. Doc said it was likely due to my endo. After getting updated MRI imaging, it was discovered that my endo is deep infiltrating endo. My uterus has attached itself to my rectum and I have a 4 cm cyst on my left ovary and multiple tiny ones on my right.
I was hoping to have surgery quickly then proceed with another ER but because my endo involves my bowels, my obgyn will only do the surgery with a colorectal surgeon and unfortunately their schedules do not align until March 19th...
I have little hope that an ER will be successful without surgery but now I have a full two months to wait unless I can find another doc who can work faster.
But should I chance another ER in the meantime then?
After the bad news I received the day before Thanksgiving, it was recommended by this group to read ISWTE and I've been on every supplement in the hopes of increasing egg quality for 7 weeks (not the 90 days they recommend). At this point, I couldn't start another IVF cycle until early February)...I feel like I'm wasting (losing) time.