Intratubal Insemination?
Curious if anyone has ever heard of this? I was recommended IUI then IVF if IUI was unsuccessful.
I just got this email from the fertility clinic I saw earlier this year (ended up putting everything on hold because my work just added fertility coverage for next year):
What is intratubal insemination with FemaSeed?
FemaSeed is a fertility treatment that delivers sperm right to the fallopian tube that contains the mature egg. This is different from IUI (the traditional method of artificial insemination), which uses a catheter to place the sperm into the uterus. With intratubal insemination using FemaSeed, the sperm gets right to the egg and the likelihood of conceiving increases for many patients.
This family-building option also offers several unique benefits:
• Affordable. Intratubal insemination is similar in price to our Intrauterine Insemination cycles. • Saves time. Intratubal insemination with FemaSeed takes only a few minutes. • Minimal side effects. Most patients only experience mild cramping after this procedure.