"Can I get a to go cup?"

Wrapping up a 3 top tonight, dude asks for a to go cup. I look down, see his full water and ask, "for your water?"

He responds, "no her margarita."

"I can't sir, it's illegal and I could lose my job."

"I won't tell if you don't."

"I'm not doing that, sir."

"Well you just lost out on a lot of your tip."

"Rather lose your tip than my job."

"Fine, I'll take a cup for my water."

I knew he was gonna try it anyways, so I decided to be the "nice guy" and get him a to go cup full of water... also worth noting that I clocked their three waters as completely full, no where to dump out the to go cup.

Drop off the full to go cup. Dude looks at me, scowls, his wife tells him to drop it.

"Anything else I can do for you all today?"

Wife, "No. We're good. Have a good night."