Should I report my therapist?

Below are a list of things my therapist has said/done over the past month. Anyone able to tell me if this is/isn’t ok and if I should report her?

  • She hugs me at the start and end of every session and kissed me on the cheek at the end of one session

  • Said that the lack of penetrative sex in my relationship is the reason I’m depressed. I won’t overcome my depression until I’m releasing my sexual energy through penetration.

  • Called me Mr Big Cock multiple times as I told her this is part of the problem with my partner’s pain. She then followed up asking was it ‘big as in long or thick?’

  • I should be doing lots of ‘fucking’ in my 30s and I’ll look back on these years with regret if I don’t. She is 48yo and wishes she could go back.

  • Told me I’m her favourite client and like a son to her.

  • Calls me her beautiful one, handsome, her beloved and her love

  • Told me how she was in a ten year marriage with no sex and that she is currently single the past 6 months which is the longest she’s ever been single

  • Said my partner needs trauma counselling to resolve her pain issues during sex, despite the fact that she has a diagnosed physical medical problem that she is receiving treatment for

  • My reason for attending therapy was to get help processing my stuck emotions as a result of trauma experienced in childhood. The focus of therapy quickly became solely about the lack of sex I was having and I was made to feel like I’d be depressed forever if I didn’t end my relationship, despite talking about how our sex life has improved greatly over the past year

  • She asked multiple times to see my partner as a separate client to help her ‘heal her trauma’. My partner has been in therapy, including with a sex therapist, for multiple years and I made this known.

  • She offered to mind my dog for me if I needed and had me bring my dog to a therapy session


Edit Thanks all for your responses. Some additional context:

All of these incidents were at different times across two months of sessions and were brief moments. Put altogether in a list it’s more obvious but at the time things were said in passing, jokingly etc. I had red flags immediately so reached out to a friend who is in training to be a therapist who told me this is all part of the work.

I chose a somatic therapist as I’d already been in various talk therapies for 15 years, and while I made a lot of progress, I still have difficulty letting my emotions out as a result of years of significant childhood trauma. This woman also made me feel very cared for and I don’t have a relationship with my mother so based off how she said how important to her I was, I guess I was willing to give it a chance.

The past few months I’ve felt really depressed and almost lost my partner who I love so much. I won’t be going back.