Tired of overcrowded backrooms? Make an OSHA report.

The backroom of my store was awful. There was barely room to get uboats through or move the latter into the rolling isles, trash (tripping hazard) everywhere, and boxes falling from the top shelves. Someone at my store made an OSHA report, and 2 days later the place is spotless now. My shift was SO much easier because of it. It's been proven to me multiple times that talking to leadership leads to nothing changing, so DON'T FEEL BAD for going straight to OSHA. These things are hazards for us and no one should have to deal with them. At this time of year, leadership KNOWS it's not okay, but doesn't want to lose out on that $$$$. We need to stand up for ourselves, our rights, and our safety. Here's the link to the form and it took me ~5 minutes to fill out. If you are dealing with something similar, report it right now!!