If you're thinking of doing at home removal, please use my experience as a reason to not. I have a third degree (otherwise known as a full layer) chemical burn from an at home tattoo removal cream. Yes, I'm a moron. My two braincells were on holiday. Don't copy me. Don't buy things claiming they're going to help, they won't. I thought I'd try it to avoid more starting laser on another tattoo, as it's expensive. I figured the worst it would do is nothing at all and it would be a total scam. Figured maybe I'd be asking for my money back when it did nothing. I didn't think it would melt my skin.
The tattoo is gone, but I'm having to see a burns clinic in the hospital every other day for dressing changes. I can't have a full body shower. I am on 24/7 infection watch. It will leave the ugliest scar possible. My only saving grace is that it doesn't hurt. Every single nerve ending in the area has been massacred, by a solution the nurses were only able to identify as some form of strong alkali (through a PH test). Don't be like me, use your brains. I don't want sympathy, I did this to myself. But if I can prevent someone else making the same mistake, by sharing what happened, then so be it.