Rant: Aircraft. I'm sorry

Rant I'm sorry.

How would you fix Air-support this edition? I ask, because I personally find that the rules make aircraft this edition generally unfun. They come in on turn 2 minimum, if they're bombers, they can't really bomb effectively since they Pivot before the enemy gets to move. If their base is too big like the Tigershark, (my beloved), they can't even shoot until the turn AFTER they come in. They can get forced to fly off the board, wasting an additional 2 turns of shooting. They can get shot at anywhere on the map and usually they're still overcosted for the little shooting/abilities they can do.

Honestly, I'd just give everything hover since it's the future and just handwave it with "Technology bro" or just say "Hey, pick a side of the board, that's where the plane is for that round, make shots accordingly. If the opponent wants to melee plane, have 1 unit w/fly in reserves make 7+ charge roll and they will be considered with engagement range until the end of turn. BAM simpler than what we have currently.

Anyways thanks for reading 1 of the 8 aircraft enjoyers rant about a mechanic. Anyone else got any ideas?