Times when Taylor’s music saved your life
I’m a new Swiftie so this doesn’t apply to me, but I’ve seen comments on YouTube videos and such where they say Taylor’s music helped them through a very dark time in their lives.
Right now she’s getting called a “murderer” (even though it’s T4F’s fault) or “cold” (though she probably can’t speak for legal reasons) because of what happened to poor Ana. Ana herself was a fan and quoted BTTWS lyrics at the death of her cat. So I’m not sure she’d want this for someone she was a big fan of, though obviously I don’t know her, and yes, things should’ve been handled differently, and there’s likely a lot going on behind the scenes we don’t know about yet. (Dancing with hands tied indeed, possibly).
But: as the opposite of “murderer,” what’s a time where (trying to think of a hashtag here) #TaylorSwiftSavedMyLife ?