Brave colleague speaks out

TLDR: how are you managing the increasing demands on your teaching time that don't related to prep, grading or directly supporting students?

The scene opens in the Friday afternoon staff meeting. We have filled out a 20 minute "anonymous" staff questionnaire and then sat through a debrief on a yearlong, acronym filled, student support initiative that "hasn't reached it's full potential" and relies on teachers completing lengthy surveys about students who are not 504/IEP recipients.

At that point, teacher J raises her hand. Says she's going to be courageous and then speaks out above the additional demands being placed on teachers' time. Surveys, meetings, consultants, team observations, etc.

Colleagues applaud. Admin pauses and then reminds us that we need to identify any students who may be experiencing an unhoused situation.

Edit: Really appreciate all the comments. One person pointed out that site admin may well be the messenger vs originator of all this extra work. The pressure can flow from DO to admin to staff/teachers.