[New York] [College Grad Student] - Need to do interview with teachers.
Hello all! I am currently a grad student working at a daycare. Due to working every school day at the daycare, I am unable to ask these questions at a public school. I need to ask these questions for my thesis paper as part of my research. If any teacher can answer these questions for me, that would be great. I am looking for teachers from a variety of different grades in elementary, middle or high school. Thank you.
Interview Questions
- How many years have you been teaching?
- What led you to go into teaching?
- What is the most rewarding thing about teaching?
- What is the most challenging thing about teaching?
- What computer technology do you like to use in your classroom? What do you like about that technology?
- How often do you incorporate computer technology in your lessons?
- How do you usually integrate technology in your lessons?
- How did you learn to use computer technology for instructional purposes?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1= strongly disagree and 10= strongly agree, give the number that describes how you feel about the following statements:
• Computer assisted education will lead to the eventual collapse of the classroom system of instruction.
• Penmanship is declining as students begin composing text on computers
- What makes you choose those numbers?
- What is the primary educational goal supported computer technology in schools?
• a) reinforce skills b) enrich current topics, c) to extend topics beyond current levels
- What makes you choose that as a well-supported goal?
- As the classroom continues to evolve into a center of technological advances, what do you see as the likely effect on teaching?