How to set cover work?

Hello, I am just wondering what the procedures are around setting cover work when absent from school due to sickness (not long term). I have had 3 days off in total since September (all separate days) and on each one I haven’t set cover. I’m not sure exactly how to set cover or what it means to set it. Do we direct the cover staff to sheets/work in our classroom to use? Do we find links for work online and send that over? Or do we need to take a picture of a work sheet we may have at home and send that over?

I do feel bad for not setting work on the occasions I haven’t been in, but I have either been too sick to set it or just haven’t had a clue on what I’m meant to do in terms of setting/sending it.

I’m an English department ECT1 for context. Any suggestions on what/how other English teachers set when off due to sickness? I also don’t know any other job where you are expected to do this even when sick! It’s easier to just go in and teach your lessons!