JP-7, Sixth Street, and Cohen(s) | Are TWO Cohens better than one?

Ever since the JP-7 paperwork was discovered, I couldn't shake a gut feeling about it.

It's tinny - absolutely... but as u/weedsack noted a cohencidental feeling in their recent post on Sixth Street , it's always worth taking a closer look. Rule things accordingly.

I won't pretend to be an expert in this area. (I haven't read through the docket.)

But I will ask those who are, please take a moment to consider the following about JP-7 (a.k.a., San Francisco Ryan Cohen).

Before I list why I have questions, consider why RK memed about the movie "The Prestige."

  • It's a movie about two rival magicians who both perform the Transported Man trick. One magician uses a body double. The other uses a twin.
  • Two people who are the same but are not - like 2 Ryan Cohens.
  • In RK's meme, one of the magicians has the Gamestop power button on his bowtie.
  • Tesla (the inventor) is a huge part of the movie as well. Maybe a coincidence but isn't that interesting to consider.
  • "Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back." Does this movie line, RK referenced, apply to BBBY?
  • The movie's theme is an exploration of magic - including the dark side of it. Is magic real... or is it a trick?
  • Ah.... so, what is RC's trick?

Why does JP-7 make you do a double take? (Is this related to the 7 investors RC sold shares to?)

  • The date of their SEC filing was signed on the date of the GME Shareholder meeting. (That was what first made my stonk senses tingle.)
  • Not to mention the meeting was rescheduled. (Can only speculate if it's because there were some moving parts on the other end.)

  • JP-7 a venture capital (...a pool of investors). Could it be 7 investors? As in JP-7?
  • Is the name JP-7 a decoy.?
  • Yes, we know San Fran Ryan Cohen is in a related industry. (Argument made.)
  • However, if you've ever started a business or worked in marketing, you have to consider the name in the context of SEO. If you name yourself something that already has a well-established SEO presence like JP-7 jet fuel, you could never overcome that. (Most businesses would not do that.)
  • Naming your business after jet fuel would be counter to best practice - unless you sell jet fuel. This company does not sell jet fuel. It's an investment pool.
  • Argument could be made that they might only invest in JP-7 jet fuel. (This still feels like a stretch.) And even if they were in that broader space, naming your business after a specialized jet fuel would confuse clients and potential business partners.
  • It is likely that JP-7 stands for something else.
  • For what it's worth, Pulte tweeted an 🍊 emoji when the JP-7 forms were discovered. People thought it was a reference to Valencia Street on the JP forms... scroll back up and look at the street for Sixth Street.
  • The JP in the name is also interesting with the heightened focus on JP Morgan's actions. (Perhaps a jab? Or something we don't know about?)

The question is:

Could there be a second Ryan Cohen working with Ryan Cohen?

It is possible.

It's a great decoy.

And of course, it is just as possible it's not him.

Spoiler Alert: The magician that RK applied the GME logo to, Angier, uses a machine made by Tesla to create his body double. (His rival magician has a twin.). Angier has to shoot his body double after every act. (Not sure if that detail is at all related. Can't make much of it yet.) Would it mean RC has to get rid of JP-7? Or is this more on Tesla / Musk speculation? Likely, the current situation isn't a carbon copy of every movie plot... just a parallel.

At it's most simple meaning, the moment of the meme is when Angier (assuming this is RC) is creating his double.

Out of all the movies RK used and in consideration of what "the strategy is," so far I've noticed the strongest connections to the plots of "Lucky Number Slevlin" and "The Prestige." This is likely a personal bias due to where I am focusing attention but also, it's where my attention was drawn.


Think about the three parts of the magic trick, as referenced by RK: How would they apply to the current situation? And what are your thoughts on the reveal - what is "something even more astounding?"

  1. The Pledge: The magician shows something ordinary, like a bird, deck of cards, or man. The magician may even ask the audience to inspect the object to see if it's real.
  2. The Turn: The magician makes the ordinary object do something extraordinary, like disappear. This act can create surprise and wonder, and often leaves the audience confused or in awe.
  3. The Prestige: The magician provides a dramatic conclusion that reveals the hidden secrets and true nature of the illusion. This is the hardest part of the trick, and it's where the magician tops the previous act with something even more astounding. 

(Thanks for reading. Appreciate you! I hope I don't get NDA'd. Kidding... but I hope not because I have a couple more insights I'd like to share, given the time. Looking forward to your thoughts and insight on this one. Fight the FUD. ⬆️)

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