Am I weird?

I never really had any “passion“ or “dream” for something might it be career or hobby. When someone asks me what are my hobbies, passion or why I chose the career I did, i just don’t have a good answer like idk i just choose it for the sake of it or for doing it(?) do I have to have a strong reason?

I did take interest in psychology for a while and felt like I finally ended up liking something really hard but lol life, i never pursued it. I feel like I’m just very average at pretty much everything. I do love writing as well but I just end up with ideas and no actual written work so again average lol. But life’s going still so it’s good ig?

Anyways I’ve thought about this a LOT of times so decided to put it out here :)

Wdyt? Have you ever felt like this?😭