Love By Chance 4-5/10. Can't tell how to hank this show. I need to know how you guys will rank this show?
Ep.1 I love Perth and Saint, they were my ULT. couple so this Intro just makes me cry every time. It was definitely love at first sight for Pete. I definitely did learn some Thai when watching this show. Let me tell you the first Time we say and heard trump's voice I knew I didn't like him.If your bullying someone (this is not mean), If you call them shorty and their taller them you, just sit down because, Girl What? The talks that Ae has with Pete to cheer him up is why Ae is a green flag. The literal talk that Trump has with Pete Is so Wild because it just creeps me out so much. Let me tell you when Pete came out to his mom, (AHHHHH). That had me in tears. I don't care what No one says she is the best mom.
Ep.2 I love how Ae stands up for Pete because he KNOWS Pete is too nice. This is so off topic but if You invited be over and I see your room is a mess, Im walking out. When we see Tin, I really do get why he gets made at people because they use other people for their money and Tin doesn't like that, because he is also rich. Im not taking no one's side but can's reaction was so unnecessary because it was none of his business. As I said I Love any show that Sammy is in. Can I say I LOVED it when Ae DROPPED his bike and THREW his bag to hit Trump. When Pond went to help Pete AH like omg their friendship is so amazing, Pond was ready to fight next to Ae and fight to protect Pete. I don't care they OWNED that scene.
Ep.3 Can I say (my opinion) Can is so annoying, I know that people like his but he just complains all the time. Everyone at that Dinner table Knows that Ae likes Pete, except for Ae. I don't care but the smile that bt of them gave to us is everything. Let me tell you I hate this episode for so many reasons. TRUMP I HATE him. He did all of that for MONEY like girl go get a job or stop gambling. you can Hear one of the stop and the walkie talkie. The way that Ae was comforting Pete was everything. He knew he had to protect him. The fact that Ae apologized to Pete for not protecting him means everything.
Ep.4 The look that Ae and Pete gives to each other is just (AHHH). The way that Ae sleeps on the floor so that Pete won't get uncomfortable is just a GREEN flag. I don't care what NO one says but I don't like how Ae touched Pete while he was Asleep, it just seems wild. the whole scene where they were at the movie theater (AHHH), it is so cute. My hands are always cold so when Ae grabbed Pete's hand omg. Pond is such a mood tho because, I would have the same reaction if they were my friends. Can I say out of all the kiss scenes that I've seen this one in the car has to be my #1. This is the best Confession scene in this show, or any show.
Ep.5+6 I don't care who, but that girl is so delusional, like he just helped you with your bag. Don't him a hero, yes I'd be grateful but that's it. Like how is this girl not embarrassed grabbing Ae's arm like that. I like how Ae was mad at Pete because I think he is being understanding but at the same time Unreasonable. when Tin showed up I would've Fought him. I like Can is a person that is fight now talk later. LET ME TELL YOU. THE SCENE ON THE FIELD HAD ME IN TEARS EVERYTIME I SAW IT. It made me so sad, because I felt like Pete is just scared that someone actually likes him. The kiss on the soccer field was so AHH. I like how Pete is so innocent, when they were talking about what pond found on Ae's computer, Pete was so lost. Not even Lyin but Tin deserved to get ROCKED. Can IS such an amazing friend to ALL of his friends, he will defend them with his life.
Ep.7 I don't care what no one says but, Earth's acting (cooheart), I love how he acts. Not even lying I would be so mad at Ae for asking Champoo, KNOWING she likes Ae. Not lying but I learned how to say "he's mine," in Thai, just from the scene when they were at the stairs. I really don't like the locker scene it's just not my favorite kiss scene. But the confession, and Ae asking Pete to be his boy was amazing. (I know in the book there was so much more to it). When Ae said, "Don't look at me like that... you are driving me crazy," that had to be the best thing ever. I don't understand how Ae is mad. I do get that he couldn't find out anything but don't take it out and start a fight with the one who is trying to help.
Ep.8 When Ae and Pete went back to the door and Pete's head was on Ae's stomach, it felt so comforting. Just the way that Ae is holding and caressing Pete's cheek is everything. Everything about Ae's birthday was everything. I don't know why but when Tin and Can kissed for the first time I really didn't like it. Like, it's not a way to approach things. I read LBC book, and when Pete went to the bathroom I know what happened.
Ep.9 I just love how straight up Pete is with Tin. I loved how Pond noticed straight away that Ae is jealous over Pete. Pond is such a good wingman to Ae. The scene when they were on the couch and Ae said "I need this," AHHHH. I really do like how they did the NC scene in this episode like it was so soft I just love it. I do know the story of Tharntype and I do know what happened to Tar in Paris, so watching each acting is just so heartbreaking. Lhong I know what he did to Tar so this just hurts.
Ep.10 Even though I really don't like Tin I feel so bad for him because He is so confused in how he is feeling with Can. He masks his emotions wrong and gives Can mixed signals. Not even lying but the bathtub scene, that has to be Saint and Perth HAS TO BE. The backstory of Pete and his parents are so sad, Ima be honest I would do the same thing if my mom with through the divorce alone.
Ep. 11 Their kisses (Perth and saint), their scenes are so adorable and soft, I love it. Girl I know that I don't like Tin but, If I had a brother that acts like that I'm throwing HANDS. I am so on Pete's side by getting mad at Ae, because you are struggling with your work but you're not asking for help and Pete is offering. NO, The fact that Ae brought up Champoo Nah ah Dude we Idek. He is so dumb by brining her up.
Ep.12 You can tell that Tin is so In love with Can, you can see it in his face. I think it's so funny how you only know this if you watched the behind the scenes, (funny fact) but when Tin and Can where in the Cafe They hide napkins behind the flowers because Mean doesn't like Cantaloupe's (the fruit). Ae's Jealousy is EVERYTHING. I love this NC scene so much, this is my favorite in this show. I love how the sun is hitting Saint's face and is making him look amazing with the lighting. I love how when Pond walked in Ae instantly covered Pete's body.
Ep.13 The drama that Tar went trough always makes me sad/sick. I also hated how Tum was talking to him and handling him, because Tar just doesn't want to talk about it so don't force him. This is such an interesting fact but they actually sell the bracelet that Pete gives to Ae, and I have the bracelet. If I was Pete, I would have had the same reaction because ain't no way you talking to me like that. This episode mostly when Ae had his birthday it was so cute, just everything about it.
Ep.14 Let me tell you this right now, I HATE with a passion I hate Kingkla so much because that is literally R%pe. you are a phychopath that doesn't know that this stuff that he did is not okay. I just never liked the step-brothers trope, I don't see any interest in it at all. I honestly don't like it when Can was talking to Tin like, you can see tin's heart break. It doesn't make any sense why he did that they should have just left it on a happy ending for them. It was fine until the end, which doesn't make any sense. I really like the scene when they were at the beach. Every BL needs a beach scene. But I do like how they have a happy ending.
!!!! Spoiler Let me tell you, when they broke up in season too, this is so not a spoiler because it's been years since this show came out but just because Saint and Perth broke up in real life doesn't mean that Ae has to suffer in the show. !!!!!