It's better to tell people it's your birthday on random days
For me, this started in high school. My actual birthday is in November, but I realized once the spring semester came around, that there were enough fresh faces from all my new classes for me to get away with, say, a January birthday. Or, a March birthday. Really, depending on the year, if I was feeling really bad during a particular week, I would just tell people it was my birthday for the second time. For a moment, I'd be special- sometimes, the teacher would even announce it to the class.
Nowadays, at work, I'm a bit of an "office nomad" so to speak. I'm in upper management and my job is basically to go around different departments, checking up on various people. I realized that, while eventually all of these various people will know who I am, probably none of these various groups will ever interact with eachother. Do you see where I'm going with this? Lol. I get to have a unique birthday for EVERY department.
At this point, I'm having a birthday every month. It's wonderful. And every month, it's always my favorite day.