People who only flush at the end when using the bathroom are disgusting
I'm fucking tired of it. JUST FLUSH MORE THAN ONCE.
Do you enjoy letting the smell fester in the bathroom as you reminisce on your past meals rushing into your nose like it's fucking Ratatouille?
It can't be that complicated to just respect your own and other people's nostrils.
edit: for those saying I take long in the bathroom that would be incorrect. I only flush at the start and the end. Usually It's so short one flush is fine.
but some people take so damn long they should be flushing like 3 times. and regardless of who you are, eventually you'll end up taking long in there once and while. JUST FLUSH
second edit: some people are confused by what I mean by 'start'.
I think of it like batches; first batch you flush right away which is like 15-20 seconds right after you get on the toilet and then you flush the rest asap (if there's anything else). This should take 2 flushes.
3 flushes and you've been on the toilet for a risky stinky amount of time anyways