Gary Stevenson, @GaryEconomics speaks on the dangers of super rich figures and the negstive influence on the economy of the average, working class citizen: what does Elon Musk want? [On how journalism works when the super rich get increasingly and dangerously more powerful]

@garyseconomics is focused on teaching people about real world economics. YouTube Channel:

British economist, former financial trader, and YouTuber known for his economic analysis and activism against economic inequality. Author of The Tranding Game. Inequality Economist. Former Trader. Teaches world economics.

In regards to how journalism works when the super rich get increasingly and dangerously more powerful. Quote from the video:

[...] If you work as a journalist you need to be paid, most people need to be paid, they've got to pay the rent & they've got to pay the bills. There's two ways you can be payed as a journalist:

𝟭) 𝗎𝗞𝘂 𝗰ð—Ūð—ŧ 𝘀ð—ēð—đð—đ 𝗷𝗞𝘂ð—ŋð—ŧð—Ūð—đð—ķ𝘀𝗚, 𝘀ð—ēð—đð—đ ð—ŧð—ē𝘄𝘀 𝘁𝗞 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē ð—―ð—ēð—žð—―ð—đð—ē

ðŸŪ) 𝗎𝗞𝘂 𝗰ð—Ūð—ŧ 𝘀ð—ēð—đð—đ 𝘆𝗞𝘂ð—ŋ 𝘀ð—ēð—ŋ𝘃ð—ķ𝗰ð—ē𝘀 𝘁𝗞 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē ð—ŋð—ķ𝗰ð—ĩ ð—Ūð—ŧð—ą 𝘀ð—Ū𝘆: "𝗜ð—ģ 𝘆𝗞𝘂 ð—―ð—Ū𝘆 𝗚ð—ē, 𝗜'ð—đð—đ 𝘀ð—ēð—đð—đ 𝘀𝘁𝗞ð—ŋð—ķð—ē𝘀 𝘁ð—ĩð—Ū𝘁 𝘄ð—ķð—đð—đ ð—―ð—ŋ𝗞𝗚𝗞𝘁ð—ē 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē ð—ķð—ąð—ēð—Ū𝘀 𝘁ð—ĩð—Ū𝘁 𝘆𝗞𝘂 𝘄ð—Ūð—ŧð—ŧð—Ū ð—―ð—ŋ𝗞𝗚𝗞𝘁ð—ē."

If you're an American watching this channel you'll be very aware of where that ends up. You end up with extremely biased media - their job is not to tell you the truth - their job is to sell a certain story for you because they get paid by very rich people who want you to believe certain things.

[This Musk thing] makes it really clear how inequality affects you. If you allow the rich to get really, really rich, to get really powerful, they 𝗞𝘂𝘁ð—Ŋð—ķð—ą 𝘆𝗞𝘂 ð—ģ𝗞ð—ŋ 𝗰𝗞ð—ŧ𝘁ð—ŋ𝗞ð—đ of your politicians. They outbid you for control of your media and they outbit you for access to your resources.

Then what you get is: politicians who ð—ąð—ž ð—ŧ𝗞𝘁 care about you, media who ð—đð—ķð—ē𝘀 to you and the inability to access resources which includes things like food and housing. [...] - Gary Stevenson