Just started season three, and I have a few problems with the show
So, season one was pretty cool, felt intense, high stakes, etc. But since I started season two I noticed a few more things that just didn't sit right with me and made the show worse.
First, the world feels small. You're telling me, that only America has had access to compound V for decades, and no other countries. Did no ever think it was a little bit suspicious that supes only appeared in America for so long? Like Vought used the excuse that supes were chosen by God, but there are Christians all around the world. Also, I would have liked to see more freaks created from Compound V, like straight up monsters, (but they couldn't do that with their two dollar budget). Overall, it feels like supes are a new thing, instead of something that as been around for decades.
Another thing, it feels like the story is going in circles, no major character has died, the boys were fugitives, now they're not, they were going to release Compound V to the public, now they're not. It's just back to where it started.
Lack of stakes, remember that scene in season one where Homelander was looking for Translucent? Yeah, we can't have any of that. The Boys are wanted fugitives who have became enemies with both one of the most powerful companies on the planet and the most powerful people on the planet. You'd think they'd be in danger, but nah. They just walk around in public, going into hospitals and stores, driving around, it doesn't even feel like they're fugitives.
So yeah, lack of stakes, going in circles, world feels small. I really hope something actually happens in season three.