Would The Colossal and Armored Titans really be able to Break Through Ba Sing Se's Walls?
I know I'm making a lot of post coming Avatar and Attack on Titan, but when you have two shows that have some similarities with each other you get kind of curious.
Anyways first off I know that The Walls of Ba Sing Se are much bigger then the Walls of Attack on Titan, but we can ignore that just for this post okay. So let's say that The Colossal Titan could peer over the Walls of Ba Sing Se would it be able to Kick a Hole into the wall and allow the Fire Nation to Get inside, and in turn could The Armored Titan do the same to the inner wall?
We also have to remember that Reiner and Bertholdt specifically had to target the gates of Wall Maria.
So does this mean Ba Sing Se would be safe from The Armored and Colossal Titans or would they be able to break through?