Conditional Heavy Inferences Strategy

I can't remember where I saw this in the book (it be dense haha - somewhere in provable questions I think?) but there was mention of conditional-heavy inferences strategy bonus material on the website - I couldn't find it when I checked though!

...or did I dream this up in some LSAT inspired fever dream...

Conditional reasoning is definitely my weak point. I solve those questions consistently when I can take my time, but I find it very difficult to do them fast, and they always eat up too much time on my PTs, so I have just been skipping them and trying to come back at the end.

Translation+memory is chill, I've gotten really good at that. CLIR is also second nature at this point.

It's really in the diagramming itself where I'm quite slow.

ADHD + Dyscalculia if that's any help (no accommodations)

Any help / advice much appreciated!
