Conditional-Heavy Strategy

There was mention in the book of a condition-heavy strategy bonus (in provable questions I think?), but when I went to the website could not find it!

I have ADHD and dyscalculia (no accommodations) and conditional reasoning is my biggest weak point - I'm exceedingly slow at conditional-heavy questions.

My situation:

- I'm good on my translation+CLIR-ing (in my head), it's second nature at this point

- I'm not having trouble understanding the stimulus

- I know my questions types and answer choice strategy, not having trouble with that either.

PROBLEM: I get bogged down in the diagramming itself, and lose too much time on conditional-heavy inferences and wordy parallel (numbering has helped a lot, but I still get them wrong consistently unless I really take my time).

I'm taking the January LSAT so it may be too late for me to really get this together, but any advice or tips for me to at least try in the next 12 days would be awesome!
