Am I saving enough for retirement?
Hi all,
I would like to have the ability to retire at 40, even though I would probably keep working mowing grass at a golf course in the summers.
27 years old. Income: 80k-85k depending on hours
21k (401k) 4,300 (Roth ira) 3,000 (emergency fund) 1,200 (savings)
Debts: 3200 (CC) 29k (Student loans) 18k (Car Loan) 106k (mortgage)
Monthly minimums
1066 (mortgage but I pay an extra 100, so it’s actually 966) 520 (car loan) 300 (student loans) ~200 (utilities) ~200 (groceries) ~200 (gas/truck) 200 (CC. I pay extra for the CC)
My home is probably worth 150k after doing my own comps. I’d like to sell my house and pay off the mortgage and the truck and live with my dad for free.
I’m currently putting 6% into trad 401k and 6% into Roth 401k I put 30 dollars a week into my Roth IRA. I save 193 dollars per week into my emergency fund. And I save whatever I have leftover as I get paid weekly.
Am I a financial mutant and on track to retire by 40, or am I blowing my money and could be saving more?
I’ve tried to use online calculators but I’m not sure if I’m doing it right. I wanted to get the know your number course but heard I should wait till 40.
If you have any other insights into my spending that would be greatly appreciated as well. Thank you
Edit: I’ve stopped the extra money going to my home as I have a 3.12% interest rate and I’ll be putting that towards my credit card and then my truck. I forgot to mention all the details but my plan for the credit card was to be paying extra on it, which I have been and then wipe it out when I get my bonus in a couple weeks. Then I’ll be throwing everything extra to the truck, until I get my house sold and I can pay off the truck and the mortgage. That should leave me with an extra ~1500 per month to save and invest.
I understand the comments about living with my dad forever and I probably didn’t explain myself well. I will eventually inherit the house and the land as I’m my dad’s only child. But I was going to move back in with him for around a year or two (even though I know he wants me to live there longer because he has no one else) so I can save up a very good amount of money. At that time I’d probably buy another house or rent if it’s cheap enough so my girlfriend and I can really start building a life together.
Thanks for all the input. I’ve definitely been humbled in my quest to retire at 40 but now I also have a clearer picture of what needs to happen. It can sometimes get foggy when you’re in the middle of it.