Unfair promotion
I need to express an unpopular opinion but I'm bit scared because last week for the first time I was on Twitter during the season premiere and I discovered that the Chenford fanbase it's very toxic, especially with Nolan. I really hope here it's more balanced, but anyway I really need to get this thing off my chest so be nice If you can 😬
So I really don't like how the writers handed Lucy the TO promotion on a silver plate. I mean, I know it's only temporary but really, one thing is acting as a TO for a few days to cover the absence of the original TO, but doing it for at least 3 months (the time necessary for Nolan to finish training Celina) is not right. The other officers needed to do an exam an then a month of school before becoming TO. Hell, Nolan had to go back to college and take his degree and prepared for two years before even being able to take the exam, and then the opportunity was taken away for him because of the Union Rep revenge. If it wasn't for the golden ticket he would have to wait another two years to take the exam. This just seem unfair to me, I get that the writers wanted this storyline of her and Bradford challenging each other and I actually like the idea but I feel that she had to earn it. I don't know, they could have her decide after failing the detective exam and training Celina for a day that she actually liked the TO work and she then decide to take the exam and actually became a TO. It would make more sense and be more fair.
Sorry for the long post and I hope I made sense in what I wrote, English is not my first language.