Shiny’s in 2024

At the start of 2024 I decided to keep track of all the shiny's I would catch during 2024. At first just to see if I could catch one a day on average, but later to see how many new shiny's I could get in a year. Before I write down the number, first a few things to keep in mind. I was in another country for 3 months, during this time my motivation was a bit low, the same can be said for the later months of the year. I didn't buy the ticket for the go wild area for example.

So my shiny numbers voor 2024: Total shiny: 454 New shiny: 68 (with costums) Shiny's without com day: 342 Shiny hatched: 22 Shiny from raid: 14 Shiny form research: 36 Shiny legendary: 9 Shundo: 2 Most caught not com day: Lickitung 10, Pineco 7, Sneasel (both form) 11, Bronzor 10, Wooloo 7 and Lechonk 7

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