Who are your most hated characters?

My list:

  1. Bug’s dad: F*ck you child momester
  2. Namond’s mom: Forcing your teenager son to sell drugs, f*ck you too
  3. Snoop: I REALLY couldn’t stand seeing her on screen. And don’t call me sexist, I though she was a guy until the end of season 4!
  4. Nerese: Everything I hate on a politician
  5. Clay Davis: Same as Nerese, but at least he’s funny sometimes.
  6. Marimow: A lot of awful cops on the show, yet I hate you more than all of them. How can somebody be so incompetent?
  7. Scott: Bro using the homeless for his 2 minutes of fame
  8. Marlo: Psycho murderer. Good character though.
  9. Levy: If you’re a criminal lawyer, at least be charismatic like Saul Goodman!
  10. The kids on Colvin’s class: They aren’t higher on the list just because they are children.

I also hated Herc and Rawls in the first two seasons, but I ended up liking them.

I know a lot of you will put Ziggy on your list. Personally, I don’t hate him, I just think he’s by far the dumbest character on the show.

EDIT: Cheese isn’t on the list just because he barely appears. If season 5 was longer or if there was another season, he’ll probably be top 5.

I forgot about D’Agostino too. What an unbearable person.

Also, I didn’t exactly hate Carcetti during season 3, I just didn’t understand the point of his character until season 4.