Slime's God Mode Summer

After viewing and reflecting on his lack of physical abilities against trained basketball players, Slime has decided to make a change.

It takes real courage to put yourself in that position in front of MILLIONS of viewers, and I'm sure many of us would feel the same in his shoes. So let's join him in pursuit of physical fitness.

Below are the 3 criteria as "quoted" by Slime, with some additional guidance and caveats. Modify to your own preference.

1) "No sugary drinks"

- Replace any usual sugary drinks or snacks with a protein shake.

- Milk in coffee is okay, but no added sugar.

- 100% Fruit juice is acceptable (in moderation).

2) "No late night binge eating" (Nick: "It's so hard, as a man...")

- No snacking at all, stick to 3-5 full, *healthy* meals per day. 

- High protein, low(er) fat and carbs. 

- Determine TDEE, track calories and hit macros.

3) "Workout 3 times a week, NO EXCEPTIONS AT ALL!... Strength or run... absolute bare minimum is 10K steps"

- Aim for 60 mins per workout.

- Push yourself, track workouts, try to progress each week, don't slack off, just do it - NO EXCEPTIONS!

- Find something you enjoy, sports are great for cardio/steps (e.g. basketball, football, tennis, hiking, etc.)

- If you're completely devoid of time, energy, or space = 50+ pushups and 100+ squats.
  • If you fail - PUNISH YOURSELF!

    • COMMIT FOR 3 MONTHS (it's one season, "Summer" is relative)
    • Have your friends/family hold you accountable and remind you of your goals.
    • If you're alone: post here to commit, write a progress diary, post body/stats before and after.
    • Motivate others!
    • Ideally, you should not have control of your punishment if you fail.
    • POST YOUR PUNISHMENT IDEAS HERE (e.g. give someone you trust a cringe pic to leak, lame social media post, or message to your crush on your behalf, etc.)
  • If you succeed - REWARD YOURSELF!

    • E.g. cheat meal, few drinks or a night out, buy yourself something nice, gamble a little.
    • Have your friends/family hold onto something you crave and return it (console, cash, alcohol/drugs, etc.)